
Common Sense V Common Practise

I had a very interesting conversation with a client of mine the other day about common sense VS common practice.

I explained that:

“In order to attract more clients into your business, you need to be continuously working at getting better at marketing and sales.”

Common sense right?

Assuming you know marketing and sales are the two core activities that you need to attract clients into your business.

If you want to attract more clients, you need to put more time into the marketing and sales… OR at least get better at it, so the time you’re currently spending gets you better results.

It’s not exactly rocket science is it?…

There are literally thousands of books, websites and resources that have been put together to help you generate more leads, attract more clients and increase your sales, so common sense tells us that IF you really wanted to grow your business, you wouldn’t have to look too far to find the information you’re looking for.

Sure, some of the information you’ll come across will be better than others, but you’re bound to stumble across a few gems that you can put to work to get better results in your business…

And although intellectually that sounds like common sense…

From what I see everyday it’s not necessarily common practice.

You see, most of the business owners I meet will tell you they want to grow their business…

But instead of using their “common sense” to seek out the information they’re looking for, they get dragged into the endless cycle of doing what they’ve always done.

They get caught up on working IN the business, instead of working ON the business….

A very subtle distinction but a distinction that makes all the difference between the ones who just survive and those who experience real success…

Make sure you are not caught in this trap!

gravatarnewmediumAbout Chris Leadley

Chris is a leading Direct Response Marketing Consultant specialising in Facebook Ads, Google Adwords and Email Marketing. He has helped hundreds of small businesses owners all over the world get new business with his online marketing workshops and private consulting. Chris works with small business owners to plan and carry out marketing strategies that are designed to get you in front of your customers and generate enquiries quickly.

Chris can help with your marketing in the following ways:

Private Consulting, One-to-One Training, One-to-One Strategy Sessions.