Free Consultation Application

Yes, Chris! I Want This.

Here’s what I’m doing:

I’m applying to speak with Chris Leadley and maybe become a consulting client.

And in doing so, I’m leaving a fully refundable good faith deposit of £50.

This is what I know will happen next.

  • Sarah from Chris’ office will contact me to set up a time for me to talk to Chris personally.
  • Chris will help me create a plan for an immediate increase in profits.
  • I may or may not become a Consulting client, and there will be no pressure to do so.
  • If Chris and I decide we’re not a good “fit” and I don’t become a client, I get my deposit back. If I think Chris has wasted my time, he will give me deposit back and any costs I’ve incurred because he’s the real deal and doesn’t screw around.
  • If we decide we are a good fit, I will become a consulting client. I understand that the fees start from only £150 per month, and that my deposit will be applied to my first month’s invoice.
  • I realise that every single one of Chris Leadley’s consulting clients generate more income from working with him than what they pay him, so the “cost” to me is essentially zero.
  • The SOLE PURPOSE of this is for me to make more money in my business while delivering even greater value to my marketplace and having lots of fun in the process.
  • I realise this is by application only, and appointments are granted on a first come, first served basis.

Click the button below now to get started.


Please note that payments are handled by PayPal for your security. You can use a credit or debit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account.